A quick look at what fun things the Twitter users and netizens of Japan are up to on this day in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Wondering what Japan is up to during these crazy days of quarantine and social distancing and things oh-so-slowly returning to normal? Well, like the rest of the world, it's all about the little things breaking up the mundane, everyday boredom as life goes on. Which is exactly what Twitter is good for. So let's see what's been trending on Japanese Twitter!
隣の家の窓からゴジラが見えるので、対抗してガメラを飾っていたら、ある日、ゴジラがこちらを向くようになりました。 pic.twitter.com/k2JWgUOWj4
— E.P. (@ELPACHOPAMYOLE) May 18, 2020
Twitter user @ELPACHOPAMYOLE posted this short story of a battle waiting to happen, featuring Godzilla and Gamera (a similar character whose films were created to compete with the Godzilla series). Almost 400,000 likes and more than 90,000 retweets later, a whole new world of short-form Twitter-based fanfiction seems to be coming to life, with Godzilla and Gamera becoming enemies, friends, or even lovers.
#StayHome 5月19日、スタバ再開 pic.twitter.com/dY2GXcT7Q4
— 今日マチ子 kyo machiko (@machikomemo) May 19, 2020
A huge topic of discussion, to nobody's surprise: Starbucks has returned to business. The coffee chain's popularity in Japan is no joke, and after over a month of stores closed to avoid spreading COVID infection, people are flocking back… in a somewhat controlled fashion. Japanese Twitter is flooded with pictures of long-missed coffee drinks, limited-edition plastic Starbucks cups, empty, blocked-off cafe seating areas, and this illustrated tribute to the coffee shop's return.
ぬいぐるみ幽体離脱してない? pic.twitter.com/i3cis85YSs
— 古賀及子(こがちかこ) (@eatmorecakes) May 18, 2020
ほんとに全部が嫌になった奴はマクドナルドをお皿に盛り付けない pic.twitter.com/iRjGjGiFov— パスタを上手に茹でることができる (@wasureru_yo) May 18, 2020
Tweet Text: 「Doubt it. If they'd really had enough of everything, they wouldn't be arranging McDonalds on a platter.」
リアルすぎる。流石、我が母。#トイプードル #わんこ#おむすび #おうちごはん #おうちカフェ pic.twitter.com/9v1Udilcwe— のん (@nonnonlalalala) May 18, 2020
she was turning our house's idol into a rice ball.
It's too real. I wouldn't expect anything less of my mom.
#toypoodle #puppy #riceball #homecooking #homecafe」
The netizens of Japan were simultaneously charmed and a little disturbed by the adorable accuracy of this toy poodle omusubi (おむすび, rice ball) made by the mother of Twitter user @nonnonlalalala. The surprisingly realistic puppy-shaped rice ball is made from brown rice and covered in katsuobushi (shaved bonito flakes), so the puppy itself probably would have liked a bite too.
The latest news from Japan - learn what's new in the land of the rising sun, from an international group right on the scene.