Introducing places to buy your camping gear and how to get around Mount Fuji.
Have you camped in Japan yet?
Camping by the lake near Mount Fuji.
Wake up to a beautiful morning with a view of the Mount Fuji.
Get prepared
Start by getting to know the area before you head out.
Check the official website for Mount Fuji Climbing if you want to go climbing.
They will let you know what you will need to prepare for your climb and show you what routes are available on that day. All you need to know about the mountain on this single website.
Also, check out our article on what is happening around Mount Fuji this year.
Once you know what you need, start gathering the necessary items in either Ochanomizu, Jinbocho or Shinjuku. That's our recommendation for a one-stop shopping area.
If you are to take a road trip, check out this self-drive guide.
Do a bit of grocery shopping at a supermarket nearby to prepare for the camping.
Go camping
All ready to go?
Head to the Shojiko Camping Cottage for a great camping location.
This area is also a great location to get a photo of Mount Fuji and the Shojiko Lak together.
If you're lucky you might be able to get a photo with the sunrise or the sunset just like below.
See the beautiful stars at night and wake up to the sunrise for the best photo shot!
Enjoy your Mount Fuji experience!
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